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Plans for Fair Competition 2024

16 May 2024 | Uncategorized | Transport Vermeulen

Dear Customer,

At the end of February 2024, the Plans for Fair Competition were signed by the recognized employer federations and labor unions from eight different sectors. In these plans, concrete measures are made between the government and the social partners to fight against social fraud. We would like to give you the most important plans that have been made for the transport sector.

- Combat social dumping under the excuse of 'combined transport'.

- Fight against unauthorized low transport prices.

- Redistribution between roadside checks and company checks.

- Safe, clean and secure parking spaces for drivers.

- Consistency in the controls and sanctions of the rules from the Mobility Package.

This last measure shows that there is still a lot of dissatisfaction within the transport sector regarding the rules of the Mobility Package. Research shows that the  already imposed rules have 0.0 effect today. With the introduction of the posting legislation, mandatory registrations of border crossings, a 'cooling off' period of 4 days and the mandatory return every 8 weeks, it was expected to see a shift on European roads, but we do not see any differences.

All this extra administrative work (and also the costs) has not caused anything yet, the amount of foreign trucks on our roads has not been decreased. All these new rules are not monitored and there are no sanctions  determined for violators.

Hopefully the signing of the Plans for Fair Competition will lead to a better result.


However, we remain ready for you and we sincerely hope that we can continue to receive your orders. Our team is always available for any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Kind regard,

The Transport Vermeulen team